

I want to know the heart of my Messiah

When our Messiah was dying many thoughts were going through his mind. Thoughts of love, thoughts of purpose, suffering, forgiveness, compassion. I am sure more than anything each one of us was on his mind. He wanted each of us to understand what was happening...that we were worth his sacrifice. The unfathomable gift he gave us, a gift of hope, a gift of light and purpose, an opportunity to draw near to God, to know him, to know his heart. In the moments he was there his love culminated and I was on his mind. each person that I have met was on his mind. Osama and his family were on his mind. He wanted them. He wants them. Do I want to see them being loved in this way? Do I want to see them with the relief and wholeness of Joy of God? I was appalled to see the title of an article on the cover of Daily News last week= "Rot in hell" as they referred to Osama's death. This vengeful happiness, hate, condescending and insulting wish, reminds me of how human nature desires a different kind of justice than God does. God doesn't will anyone should be in hell. He would have everyone know his love, everyone bask in the light of his forgiveness. What do we desire? do we have a right to decide who we think will be in hell and who in heaven? Grace is at the center of this issue. God is a God of grace and offers it to all of us, no matter who we are, no matter what we've done. Jesus the Messiah who lives and is reigning offers this gift. Will we offer it to who it concerns or will we choose who we think deserves it? Are we willing to love or learn to love like our God?


"Because God has promised that our prayer grants us an audience with Him, accomplishing this task holds great promise. Believe in the power of prayer."

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:12-13

"prayer is the essential task when desiring to see a movement of God turn human hearts."

Take some time to pray for what the Lord is doing around the world in his church. It has really impacted me to realize how I am part- not only of a local church/group of believers but that we are one with all of the believers spread around the world. We have a responsibility as we take part of this body. To be able to even begin to understand the bigger picture of what God is doing we also can come to realize what part we play in this. Some people will read more about what is happening, some will watch videos, some will go to visit encourage and train, some will write letters, but we all need to pray for one another. In my heart I desire to see more zeal and passion and boldness in myself and in others around me. I want my heart to grow five times it's size. I want to be able to love from a deeper place. I want to love the Lord more and in turn compassionate love flow from me like liquid light pouring out and touching others lives. I want others to know this doesn't come from me. I desire to dispose of all timidity, but rather, that the Lord would be the one to give me discernment of when to speak and when to stay silent in whichever social situation I find myself anywhere in the world. I pray for the power of God to continue to humble me. I desire to be lessened so that he may increase in me. I ask the Lord not to work in spite of me but through me! and what a great difference this makes!!!! I praise God because he is the king of the universe, he has conquered in his justice and mercy and allowed us to be a part of what he is doing. Our Lord Jesus the Messiah has made the way for forgiveness and newness of life, hope, and transformation.
Lord please uplift us, that we may live in the way you have meant us to, as individuals and as a church. Empower us through your Holy Spirit. Forgive us. Strengthen us that we would resist all forms of mediocrity. Make us so thirsty to see you glorified that we would dispose of all of the vain idols that corrupt our lives, all of the things in our lives that would stop us from living solely for you, even our desire to "succeed" here where we are. The things that matter so much to society around us mean nothing in light of what you have called us to be. Convict our spirits and open our eyes to these things that we have made priorities and truly are unimportant. What is seen will pass away but what is unseen will last forever. Strip us of the lies we believe about ourselves and others. Strip us of beliefs of inferiority, sense of superiority, spirit of criticism, and condescending pity. Strip us of disunity and competition with one another. Fill us with the fruits of the spirit as you mold us with your hands. We are yours and our lives are yours. We love you, praise and glorify your name!


[John 12]

24-25"Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real and eternal.

26"If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me. Then you'll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment's notice. The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me.

27-28"Right now I am storm-tossed. And what am I going to say? 'Father, get me out of this'? No, this is why I came in the first place. I'll say, 'Father, put your glory on display.'"

[1 Timothy 4]

This is why we've thrown ourselves into this venture so totally. We're banking on the living God.

from Maaria

here are some fragments of a post from Maaria.. a believer in Pakistan. Listening to her heart gives me strength.

The journey to Jesus

Posted on 04/26/2011

When we are in the line of fire, when we are on the battle field and we send you messages of the battle here, you stand in the gap for us interceding for us before the Father and Son in Spirit and Truth. I know that I would not be able to keep standing here if it were not for your prayers. But it is a reality. The people around us are being hit. In some way we are all hit and wounded. IN some way or other we are aware of the dangers of serving the Lord in the Muslim world.
Stand in the gap. Pray for those who pray 5 times a day - even once a aday.
I pray for stronger hearts. I pray for more interaction with Muslims that they may see what the Christian life is about and they may see the intimacy of my relationship with Jesus. I do not pray that persecution wont happen. I pray for stronger examples of Christian life around them so that when Jesus calls they know who is calling and they have seen the wonder of HIs ways and His miracle of eternal life in other Christians. I pray for the ultimate freedom to continue to pray but to pray to Jesus, to continue to pray many many times a day but to let Jesus change their lives, to continue to pray but to take the offer of Eternal Life that flows from the wounds of Christ and the resurrection of CHrist. Lord Jesus make me more like you. May Ayesha look at me and see you, may Ghanni and Haadi see you, May Ali know your touch. Lord, for those who have become Judas or are struggling with denying you like Peter, bring them back Jesus. Raise up Shepherds who will go out and bring the 100th sheep back. There are hundreds of 100th sheep. Bring them home, give us the medicine to bind their wounds, give us your love to love them in the midst of their pain and light their darkness.

to see the whole blog post:


I am not turning back!

I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back. “ Philippians 3:13, The Message.

I feel like Paul did when he wrote this. I am inadequate on my own, but I have a goal I am running towards it and I am by no means turning back!




Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
(John 12:25)

Are there believers/followers of Jesus Christ in the Muslim world?

YES.... but they need you. They need us. They need our prayers and encouragement. They face persecution, death threats, jail, and many are killed. I would recommend reading the book "Secret Believers" by Brother Andrew and Al Janssen. Look at this website to find more information. Read blogs by persecuted believers and encourage them.

King Hassan II Mosque, Morocco

What does the Sahara Challenge Training cover?


The Sahara Challenge contains a mixture of classroom instruction and practical application. This course will present a biblical and practical blueprint for a lifetime of ministry among Muslims. Topics covered during the Sahara Challenge include:


  • History, Growth and Influence
  • Beliefs and Rituals
  • Folk vs. Orthodox Islam
  • Position of Men vs. Women

Ministry Skills

  • Your Attitude and Approach
  • Bridging the Gospel
  • Assimilating the Culture
  • Communicating Cross-culturally

Spiritual Formation

  • Understanding and Using Your Spiritual Gifts
  • The Power of Fasting and Prayer in Muslim Ministry
  • Your Role in Bringing Muslims to Christ

Leadership and Teamwork

  • Servant Leadership
  • Leadership Styles
  • Ministering as a Team

What is Crescent Project?

Crescent Project* was founded in 1993 by Fouad Masri to enable Christians to reach out to the Muslim community. Because of his experience as a Lebanese student living in the U.S., he realized that internationals in America often have many unmet needs. Crescent Project was founded to prepare American Christians to reach out to the growing Muslim community in the U.S.

Most Muslim ministries have focused on sending full-time missionaries overseas to Muslim countries. Crescent Project has used an entirely different approach: train the local church to reach out to the Muslims in the community. Since 1993, Crescent Project instructors have trained over 15,000 Christians throughout North America.

* Crescent Project was originally known as Arab International Ministry


Our vision is that each of the seven million Muslims in North America hears and responds to Jesus Christ.

Personal relationships between Christian and Muslim populations are often strained or non-existent because of rampant misunderstandings that lead to fear and distrust. Our goal is to overcome misunderstandings about Islam through education so that Christians take the initiative to build friendships with their Muslim neighbors. Personal relationships open the door for discussion about spiritual issues and personal beliefs.

Our approach to witnessing is best summed up by this quote taken from our training seminar: "Our job is not to make the Muslim a Christian. Our job is to show them the love of Christ."

For many years most Christians have assumed that Muslims are "too hard" to reach, and that only "experts" can adequately share the gospel with Muslims. We take the opposite view and believe that local congregations have the best opportunity to reach Muslims because they have the best opportunity to build meaningful relationships with them.

As you sensitively share the joy of knowing Christ with your Muslim friend, neighbor, co-worker, or classmate, you are a part of seeing this vision reached!

find out more at